Jaroslav Dvořák speaks about HCM tires
In the hilly Vysočina region, Jaroslav Dvořák, chief mechanic at the Agricultural Cooperative in Nové Město na Moravě, appreciates the advantages of Mitas HCM tires in demanding local conditions.
Jan Svistak speaks about HC 2000 tires
Within sight of the majestic High Tatra Mountains is the seat of the Údol agricultural production and trade cooperative. As a tractor driver, Jan Svistak explains why the cooperative’s tractors use Mitas HC 2000 tires.
Brian Cook speaks about AC 85 tires
On the fileds of West Central Ohio, US, is situated family farm run by Brian Cook. On the fields of his Cook Family Farms, he demonstrates why they have choosed Mitas AC 85 tires.